Friday, February 26, 2010

A Healthcare Plan That Pays: Part 1

The human body is approximately 3 4ths water. Clean & accessible drinking-water is one of the highest priorities of an intelligent person.

Water is made when an oxygen atom builds a connection with 2 free hydrogen atoms in the form of an electrical bond.

Carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide is added to a watery solution. Carbonation reduces the availability of free (usable) oxygen in a beverage.

Drinking-water is (relatively) an oxygenated beverage; physiologically, the effect is opposite to that of a carbonated beverage. Highly-oxygenated beverages are better for the human body than highly-carbonated ones. The more carbonated a beverage is, the more dangerous it is.

Drinking water with a high degree of carbonation is like continuously breathing air from a sealed bag that has been secured around one's head. Breathing is a natural process that removes carbon dioxide from the system. The consumption of carbonated beverages counteracts respiration, which is necessary for life.

Adopting a habit of primarily drinking clean water is a health care initiative that immediately pays dividends.

A body with higher amounts of active water conducts electrical signals better than a body that consists mostly of de-energized water, & is less useful & productive; the more useless a body is, the more of an unsustainable drain it is on the environment.

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