Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Grows In Outer Space?

Better is an adjective that means comparatively superior to one alike/similar in form &/or function. 

To become better is a choice. This means that, based on people's tendency to improve themselves, some people will achieve higher degrees of self-worth; also, a man's value is determined by his sense (knowledge) of self.

Better is, at least in part, alien to common. The better man is, at least in part, alien to the common man; if they are unable to communicate, a state of war will easily grow -- the form of one's word (intent) is determined by the speaker, but the message by the hearer. 

 What is our assessment of ourselves, who live on Earth? We have named our planet uniquely among the others that exist within our neighborhood -- they, unlike us, are all named after gods.  The common soil is, by definition, inferior to the divine (yet we tend to believe that life only lives here).

Understanding (peace) exists only where a word's form & message intersect.

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